Is Garden Of Sinners Good Reddit
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Why The Garden of Sinners is a Modern Classic
Why The Garden of Sinners is a Modern Classic
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level 1
I prefer the novel .
I read it 10 years ago when I was a fucking edgy boy,it gave me such a impact that influenced my whole middle school life. like illusion I got a devil eye or can see the line of dead .
Yeah I know, I wanna kill myself too.
level 1
· 4 yr. ago
Neat coincidence, just finished a rewatch yesterday. It really is a masterpiece (though movie 6 wasn't really necessary)
Overlooking View: 9/10
A Study in Murder Pt.1: 9/10
Remaining Sense of Pain: 8/10
Hollow Shrine: 9/10
Paradox Spiral: 10/10
A Study in Murder Pt.2: 10/10
level 2
· 4 yr. ago
But we got to see a bit light-hearted side in movie 6. It wasn't that bad.
level 2
· 4 yr. ago · edited 4 yr. ago
The sixth movie is the bridge to the seventh after
A lot of these small lore details only fly through when no proper explanation about the mechanics of the magical systems and what is actually happening is done.
level 2
· 4 yr. ago
Movie 6 simply wasn't as close to the books as all others. They toned down a lot
level 2
· 4 yr. ago
What's your rating for the sixth movie though?
Also, did you watch the eight movie (Mirai Fukuin) too?
level 2
· 4 yr. ago
level 1
Still amazing that Kara no kyoukai is connected to Fate, Tsukuhime, and Mahou. Such an expansive universe
level 2
· 4 yr. ago
The themes of this universe just don't do anything for me...
level 1
I hate to say it, but I'm not really enjoying this. I'm through the 5th movie currently.
They're beautifully animated and the fight scenes are superb from a technical standpoint, but I don't actually like any of the characters and can't seem to care about what's going on. I feel like I'm missing something.
level 2
Don't be sorry, it's a movie series that's known to be really confusing and unwelcoming to newcomers/those who haven't read the novels. Add to that a cast of mostly atypical human beings, very verbose dialogue that has quite a bit of Nasuverse jargon and themes/execution that's deeply rooted in eastern philosophy and you can easily see why it's not everybody's cup of tea.
level 2
I feel like I'm missing something.
Good taste.
level 2
It's the culmination of a lot of things at once and definitely isn't for people who aren't familiar with the rest of the Nasuverse. There's a ton of subtext about why everything that happens makes sense/doesn't make sense, is impressive/is not impressive.
It'd be like standalone reading Action Comics #18 (2011-2016) and expecting to understand what's going on.
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Is Garden Of Sinners Good Reddit
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